The AMP Systems Biology of Inflammation concept proposes to leverage both existing and new multi-omics datasets to develop a new paradigm in approaching diseases and treatments based on shared molecular pathways. In our current paradigm, diseases are defined by their clinical manifestations, yet treatments are developed based on targeting mechanisms. However, specific mechanisms often play a role in the clinical manifestations of only a subset of patients.
One solution to this challenge is to shift from a taxonomy of diseases based on a clinical presentation to one based on mechanisms. This new approach provides an integrative mechanistic understanding of diseases so that treatments target pathways irrespective of the clinical label a patient may carry. AMP allows us to identify shared and distinct mechanisms active across multiple diseases. In tandem with unbiased systems biology approaches, the rich molecular and clinical data available through the AMP programs offer an opportunity to quickly recognize dynamic molecular networks at the tissue/cellular level across disease states/traits within a global pathway/pathway interaction context. Leveraging this opportunity, the Project’s goal is to develop a systems biology framework to help define a molecular taxonomy of disease through the lens of inflammation. The Design Phase of the Project will result in a research plan that if funded may further drug development and positioning based on mechanisms active in each individual, irrespective of clinical label; establish blood omics data to link systemic inflammation to tissue-level disease; and increase the understanding of the contribution of chronic inflammation to disease progression and treatment response.
The AMP SBI Design Phase launched on December 14, 2022.
Design Phase Partners
For more information about AMP, please contact
Jeremy DeBarry, PhD
Program Manager Translational Science Inflammation & Immunity
[email protected]James O'Leary, MBA
Director, Translational Science Inflammation and Immunity
[email protected]