The development of new AMP projects is a multi-step process ensuring that the AMP Executive Committee, the participating NIH Institutes or Centers, other US Government partners, and external stakeholders are engaged and aligned on the plan for project execution.
Each new AMP project starts with the development of a high-level Concept, outlining the critical scientific problem or capability gap that will be addressed, the scientific approach for the project, and why the project aligns with the AMP mission. Concepts are presented to the AMP Executive Committee for approval to move into a Design Phase. Once approved, the FNIH engages with potential Design Phase partners to commit resources and scientific expertise towards the design of the project. Design Phases, co-chaired by a representative from the lead NIH Institute or Center and a representative from the private sector, typically last 9-12 months and culminate in a full project Research Plan developed by the NIH and private sector Design Phase participants. The Design Phase co-chairs provide regular updates to the AMP Executive Committee on the progress of the Design Phase, and present the final project Research Plan to the AMP Executive Committee for approval. After the Research Plan is approved, the FNIH will work to secure participation and funding commitments to support the private sector portion of the project budget, and the NIH Institute(s) and Center(s) will align intramural and/or extramural resources to support the public sector portion of the project budget. Once sufficient partners and resources have been committed to the project, the new AMP Project launches.
For more information, please contact James O’Leary at [email protected].
Proposed New Initiatives
AMP Cell-Based Therapy Consortium
The AMP Cell-Based Therapy concept proposes a new public-private partnership effort focused on cellular therapies, leveraging the model of the ongoing AMP Bespoke Gene Therapy Consortium. Given the similarity of goals for technology development of cellular therapies and gene therapies, of the industry and academic partners, and of the diseases themselves, launching a cellular therapies effort using the framework of the existing BGTC research plan infrastructure will accelerate the AMP design phase and allow overlapping of industry and scientific expertise between the programs.
AMP Systems Biology of Inflammation
The AMP Systems Biology of Inflammation concept proposes to leverage both existing and new multi-omics datasets to develop a new paradigm in approaching diseases and treatments based on shared molecular pathways. In our current paradigm, diseases are defined by their clinical manifestations, yet treatments are developed based on targeting mechanisms. However, specific mechanisms often play a role in the clinical manifestations of only a subset of patients.

For more information about AMP, please contact
James O'Leary, MBA
Director, Inflammation and Immunity
[email protected]For more information about supporting or becoming a partner in this project, please contact
Courtney Silverthorn, PhD
Vice President, Strategic Alliances and Innovation
[email protected]