Annually, we co-sponsor with donors a wide-ranging series of lectures given by leaders in science and medicine across NIH. Ranging in subject from neuroscience to virology and beyond, these lectures attract a diverse general scientific audience keen for cutting edge knowledge and discovery. Often supplemented with an internship opportunity or monetary award, the lectures foster greater trust in science and support progress in basic and translational research.

Piatigorsky Basic Science Lecture and Award
Managed by the Foundation of the National Institutes of Health (FNIH) and bestowed at the National Eye Institute (NEI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Piatigorsky Basic Science Lecture and Award aims to bring attention to notable basic science advancements by researchers in vision and the eye that will help accelerate downstream research by scientists in such fields as genetics, developmental biology, and computer science.
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ACTIV Seminar Series: Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2
In this seminar series, organized by The Accelerating COVID-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines (ACTIV) partnership in collaboration with the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), leading experts on post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC) – or long COVID – present their published or ongoing research on different aspects of the disease.
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Dr. Jane M. Sayer Vision Research Lecture & Award
The Sayer Vision Research Lecture is an annual presentation delivered by an investigator conducting outstanding research in the area of vision research or related fields. The Sayer Vision Research Award is a grant to support the research of a promising independent investigator in the early stage of his or her career in the Division of Intramural Research whose work is closely related to aspects of vision research.
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Stephen E. Straus Distinguished Lecture
The Stephen E. Straus Distinguished Lecture in the Science of Complementary Health Therapies was established in 2006 with a generous gift from Bernard and Barbro Osher. The annual address explores pressing issues in the field of complementary and integrative medicine by leading figures in science and medicine.
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John Laws Decker Memorial Fund
The Dr. John Laws Decker Memorial Fund honors the late NIH Clinical Center Director through the annual John Laws Decker Memorial Lecture and the Distinguished Clinical Teacher’s Award. As part of the memorial, the NIH Fellows Committee nominates a presenter for the lecture at the Contemporary Clinical Medicine: Great Teachers Grand Rounds Program. This speaker also receives the Distinguished Clinical Teacher’s Award.
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Robert Whitney Newcomb Memorial Fund
Beginning in 2001, the Robert Whitney Newcomb Memorial Fund has endowed an annual lecture in neuroscience and one or more internships per year for high-school students and graduate fellows at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).
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The Norman P. Salzman Memorial Symposium
The Norman P. Salzman Memorial Symposium and Awards in Basic and Clinical Virology is presented to outstanding postdoctoral fellows, graduate students and postbaccalaureate trainees working in intramural laboratories at the NIH, FDA, Fort Detrick Laboratories, LEIDOS, USDA or Uniformed Services University of the Health Services (USUHS). The Symposium and Awards are hosted by the FNIH, the NIH Virology Interest Group and the Salzman Organizing Committee. The symposium highlights current research of eminent extramural and NIH intramural virologists.
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The Quiet Leaders of COVID: Shaping the Future of Science
Moderated by the editor-in-chief of National Geographic Magazine, Susan Goldberg, this series introduces five individuals whose brilliance and foresight will make an enduring impact on patients’ lives in this century and the next. The speakers explore the actions we need to take now to avoid a health crisis of this magnitude in the future.
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New York Academy of Sciences Expert Talk
Starting in 2018, the New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) has partnered with the FNIH to create an Expert Talk by the winners of the Lurie Prize in Biomedical Sciences for high school students in the NYAS Junior Academy. Each year, the Lurie Prize winners tell stories and experiences about becoming a scientist, who their mentors were, why pursuing a career in STEM is vital to today’s world as well as talk about their research.
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